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Project Memorial

The Audubon High School Project Memorial Foundation was established in 1994. Since then, the organization has been honored for patriotism by civic and military groups around the country. This summary highlights the recognition given to the students...

  • 1994: Honored at a ceremony at Fort Dix for patriotic efforts.
  • 1997: Featured in a segment of Classroom Close-Up, a TV series established by the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) to recognize outstanding achievements by students in New Jersey schools.
  • 1998: Applauded for excellence at the annual convention of the International Platform Speakers’ Association (IPA), held in Washington, DC.
  • 1999: Honored by the Philadelphia Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars with the Patrick Henry Bronze Medallion for Patriotic Achievement. (The Medallions were presented during the annual Memorial Day Service at AHS).
  • 2000: Recognized for their work at an assembly program at AHS, during which a Rear Admiral from the Department of Medicine and Surgery from Washington, DC accepted the first copy of the book "The Green Wave and the Navy: The History of the USS Benfold" (DDG-65) from the Project Memorial students. The Rear Admiral then presented the book to the Secretary of the Navy. (NOTE: The visit to AHS by the Rear Admiral was made possible through the efforts of Congressman Robert E. Andrews, First District, New Jersey).
  • 2000: Invited to attend the christening ceremony for the USNS Brittin in New Orleans, Louisiana in October.
  • 2000: Designated official partners in the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Korean War by the Secretary of Defense.
  • 2001: Invited to participate in a Dependent’s Day Cruise on board the USS Benfold in San Diego, California in January. The students were given the chance to ‘take the helm’ of the destroyer, were taken on a VIP tour of the vessel and were presented official USS Benfold caps and a certificate of participation by the ship’s Captain, Commander Adam S. Levitt.
  • 2001: Featured in magazine articles in Navy Medicine and in Graybeards (the official magazine of the Korean War Veterans Association).
  • 2002: Recognized for their patriotic efforts by Marine artist Austin Deuel, whose painting of HM3 Benfold in the foxhole in Korea now hangs proudly on the wall of the Wardroom of the ship. A copy of the painting was presented to the students at AHS during the 2002 Memorial Day Service at AHS. (Marine artist Dueul was inspired to work on the painting after seeing the students from Project Memorial on board the USS Benfold in January of 2001).
  • 2002: Interviewed by a film crew in September as work began on a patriotic documentary film. The Project Memorial Foundation members from the Class of 1994 were interviewed at the Medal Of Honor Memorial.
  • 2003: Applauded for their patriotic efforts by Medal of Honor recipients at a reunion held in Missouri in September.
  • 2004: Recognized for their efforts by the Chapel of Four Chaplains and by the Vietnam Veterans of America in September.
  • 2004: Interviewed in October by a local film production company that began work on a full-length documentary.
  • 2006: Presented a 10th anniversary Commander’s Coin for the 8th Captain of the USS Benfold at the Memorial Day Service at AHS. In addition, an American flag that had flown over the USS Benfold was presented to the students at the Service
  • 2006: Recognized for their efforts in a Congressional Commendation issued by Congressman Robert E. Andrews, First District, New Jersey.
  • Ongoing: Former USS Benfold Captain D. Michael Abrashoff now tours the country speaking about leadership to business and education groups. In each speech, he includes praise for the efforts of the students in Audubon and the work they have done in promoting the bonds of friendship between "The Green Wave and the Navy".
  • June, 2007."Project Memorial" recognized as a winning "Promising Practice" in character education through CEP, Character Education Partnership, the nation's leading advocate for quality character education initiatives.

Ways in which you can help support AHS Project Memorial:

Write a letter to Project Memorial at AHS, thank the students for the patriotic efforts:

  • in the school
  • in the community
  • in the events planned with the officers and crew

Help the students as they work on the annual Memorial Day Service at AHS by making suggestions for possible guest speakers; by offering to help with public relations for events being planned and sponsored by the organization:

AHS Project Memorial Foundation
Audubon Jr.-Sr. High School
350 Edgewood Avenue
Audubon, NJ 08106-2299

Send a note to Congressman Donald Norcross, thanking him for his ongoing support of the students at AHS, through issuing the Congressional Commendation, and contacting NJN about the patriotic documetary that praises the students.

Congressman Donald Norcross
First District, New Jersey
10 Melrose Avenue - Suite 210
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

Contact Congressman Norcross


Send a donation (checks made payable to Project Memorial) for the Foundation Scholarship/Fund. (Each year a graduating senior receives a monetary award from Project Memorial.)

Funds in the future will be needed for accommodations and for travel costs for visits to Audubon of the "Sailor of the Year" of the USS Benfold…AND…for other special guest speakers. If you would like to help support Project Memorial in this way, please attach a note to your check, indicating the use for the donation.

Thank you for your support!!