High School Graduation Requirements
A graduating student must have earned a minimum of 120 credits in courses designed to meet all of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) including, but not limited to, the following:
- 20 credits in English (English I, II, III, and IV)
- 15 credits in Mathematics including Algebra I, Geometry, and a third year of math that builds on the concepts and skills of algebra and geometry and prepares students for college and 21st century careers.
- 15 credits in Science
- Biology
- Environmental Science, Chemistry, or Physics
- One additional laboratory/inquiry-based science course
- 15 credits in Social Studies (10 credits in U.S. History and 5 credits in World History)
- 5 credits in World Language
- 5 credits in 21st Century Life and Careers (Career Ed. and Consumer, Family and Life Skills or Vocational - Technical Ed.)
- 5 credits in Visual and Performing Arts
- 2.5 credits in Financial, Economic Business, and Entrepreneurial Business Literacy
- Electives as determined by the high school program sufficient to total a minimum of at least 120 credits.
In addition, students must pass physical education and health each year.
Minimum requirements for graduation include both state and local standards as follows:
- Students must meet state testing requirements as set forth by the New Jersey Department of Education. These requirements can be found here: https://www.nj.gov/education/assessment/.
- Students must meet the attendance standards established by the Audubon Board of Education.
- Students must meet the minimum proficiencies established for each course at Audubon High School.